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2011 been a great year for Heywoods as our accurate pricing and expert marketing meant that we sold and instructed more houses in Newcastle than another agent and this isnt just us saying it, this is what Rightmove and FindaProperty say!

We also successfully launched our own property paper; Newcastle, Stoke & District Property News , reaching over 10,000 a month. We are the only estate agent in the area to have our own Property Paper, which shows that Heywoods really do offer you more!

The New Year is fast approaching, holding a number of exciting opportunities for Heywoods in 2012.

To make your move in 2012 and to be a part of our success call our team today on 01782 617343 or go to

From all the team at Heywoods, we would like to wish you a wonderful festive season, and every success in the New Year!