Heywoods - Giving Back to our Local Community

As a local business we feel privileged to be part of the wonderful community across Staffordshire, South Cheshire and the Shropshire Borders. It’s where our team lives, where they send their children to school, where they shop and where they socialise. It matters to us what happens in our local areas, and we are always looking for small ways we can make things a little better for the people who live here with us.

Over the summer we’ve been busy trying to do our bit, and here’s some of what we’ve been up to.

The Alice Charity

The Alice Charity supports disadvantaged and vulnerable families in Stoke-on-Trent and Newcastle-Under-Lyme. They help to move families in crisis forward from a dark place to a brighter future in a number of practical ways depending on what will make a difference to each family. They operate a People’s Pantry foodbank; they hold free local play sessions for babies and toddlers; they donate household items and furniture; they provide emotional support for new and expectant parents; and they spread a little kindness through ad hoc support for small things like paying for a school uniform or paying for essential travel costs.

Through the whole of July Heywoods pledged to donate £25 for every single property sale completed. We are thrilled to say that through this campaign we donated £550 to the Alice Charity on the back of 22 successful sales completing during the month. This amount will help to fund the services and support provided by this wonderful local charity. It’s just a small way we can turn your support and trust in Heywoods into a positive impact on our local community – something we couldn’t have done without you.

Macmillan Cancer Care

Sadly, cancer is something which still affects just about all of us in some way – either through personal experience or someone we know, and so while Macmillan provides help across England they also support many hundreds of people here in our local community each year.

In July Alistair led an intrepid team of fellow Heywood hikers on the Macmillan Peak District Mighty Hike to walk the length of a full marathon across some very hilly terrain around the Peak District. Through the challenge Alistair and colleagues managed to raise more than £3,000 for this amazing charity, which will go towards their support for people across our community.

Lottie’s Potters Arf Marathon

In June our amazing Letting’s Manager, Lottie, ran the ‘Potters Arf’ half marathon to support Katharine House Hospice. Katharine House, based in Stafford, provides care and support for people facing life limiting illnesses from across mid-Staffordshire, and Lottie wanted to raise money for them to say thank you for the care they had provided for her own family, and on behalf of friends who also said goodbye to loved ones in the care of the hospice.

Despite claiming that she is “by no means a natural born runner” Lottie did herself proud and raised more than £800 for the hospice in the process. We couldn’t be prouder of her!

In the coming months and years we will keep on looking for chances to make a small difference to the community we are privileged to live in and work for. We’ll share our adventures and challenges, and do get in touch if you want us to consider a cause which is close to your heart.